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Custom compost systems for any public or private space

Annie helped Niki Russ Federman from Russ & Daughters and her family set up an outdoor composting bin in the backyard of their Brooklyn home.
Video - Everyday Urban Green Living: Composting

Annie headed the design and construction of a three-tier compost bin system for the Fort Tilden community garden. Built out of repurposed materials the compost bin cost about $2.00.
Video - Building a three-section compost bin for a Community Garden - & getting it started!
Personal consultations on everyday urban green living

[In Annie's Gastropolis chapter, My Little Town: A Brooklyn Girl’s Food Voice.] ‘Annie Hauck-Lawson’s own beautiful recollections of her Brooklyn upbringing. She describes foraging for chives in Prospect Park, fishing along the Brooklyn coast, and keeping bees, not to mention the occasional farm animals her father brought home that would “disappear” before an especially delicious dinner (Nicky the pig for one). Her account is striking in her family’s relentless passion for Brooklyn’s own resources, exemplifying a local sustainable existence long before the term was coined.’

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Educational workshops on composting & everyday urban green living
Brooklyn Mompost hosting a Brewing Kombucha Tea with Summer Botanicals workshop at the Brooklyn Grange Flagship Farm.

Brooklyn Mompost preparing a homemade soup from scratch during their presention From the Kitchen to the Garden at the Kid's Food Festival.

Annie leading a class on Indoor Gardening & Composting at Poly Prep Country Day School.
Check out Brooklyn Mompost in action at our YouTube Channel!
Everyday Urban Green Living: Composting
Why Compost? Turn kitchen trash into 'black gold'
Urban winter vegetable growing & composting, Part I
Urban winter vegetable growing & composting, Part II
Building a three-section compost bin for a Community Garden - & getting it started!
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